
Methodology of Art education 451

Modulekode JMK 451
Kwalifikasie Undergraduate
Fakulteit Faculty of Education

This module provides an advanced understanding of the visual arts discipline in the different phases as stipulated by the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS). Furthermore, these modules enable students to teach the visual art subject matter responsibly and effectively as successful art educators. Students are expected to identify a problem, plan and present their research, as well as explore art classroom management and learner needs.

Modulekrediete 3.00
Prerequisites No prerequisites.
Contact time 2 practicals per week, 2 lectures per week
Language of tuition Afrikaans and English are used in one class
Department Humanities Education
Period of presentation Quarter 1

Die inligting wat hier verskyn, is onderhewig aan verandering en kan na die publikasie van hierdie inligting gewysig word.. Die Algemene Regulasies (G Regulasies) is op alle fakulteite van die Universiteit van Pretoria van toepassing. Dit word vereis dat elke student volkome vertroud met hierdie regulasies sowel as met die inligting vervat in die Algemene Reëls sal wees. Onkunde betrefffende hierdie regulasies en reels sal nie as ‘n verskoning by oortreding daarvan aangebied kan word nie.

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